“Escucho mejor que nunca en mi vida”
Mucha gente notó la diferencia porque al principio decían: “Antes gritábamos y no podías oír, y ahora no tengo que gritar”.
El servicio ha sido fantástico. Cuando vine aquí, me habéis tratado con mucha amabilidad. Estoy muy agradecido con todos ustedes.
Has hecho un gran trabajo cuidándome. Hay gente que nos ayuda con el español. A veces vamos a otros lugares y no puedes comunicarte. Así que aquí, desde el momento en que ves a la recepcionista hasta que te atienden, el médico también habla español, muy bien español.
Cuando vengas, te tratarán con amabilidad de la misma manera que yo.
“I would be missing out on much of life without hearing aids”
I began to miss out on some conversations and what was said in meetings at work. My concern was I would miss an important point or aspect of my job. I visited three hearing businesses, and Cornerstone had the best mix of ‘friendly and professional.’ One place made me feel like it was more about ‘selling me something.’ The other wasn’t as professional.
I would say that my first impressions of Cornerstone Audiology were that they were friendly, knowledgeable, and professional.
I would be missing out on much of life without hearing aids; Conversation, professional interactions, entertainment, and day-to-day things – like being able to hear a waiter, cashier, or the speaker at a drive-through. If you have a hearing problem, you should contact Cornerstone. You will enjoy the warm hospitality and learn all about your hearing and the different options in hearing aids.
– Carl Cope
“My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was that it was friendly and caring’
I first became aware of a potential hearing problem in middle school but was unsure what to expect. As my hearing began to deteriorate into adulthood, I finally decided to consider another evaluation, I was concerned about cost and if it would really make a difference.
My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was that it was friendly and caring. They were genuinely concerned about me hearing better rather than about selling me expensive hearing devices. With my hearing aids, I hear better in all settings. The radio and TV do not need to be set as loud. I can adjust settings to hear better in restaurants. I generally hear better during conversations with individuals and in small groups. What I would say to someone who is concerned about their hearing and who is considering Cornerstone Audiology as an option is that you should have your hearing evaluated. Cornerstone staff will provide you with information and recommendations for you to consider if there are genuine issues. You will find the Cornerstone staff to be caring and helpful. They will not pressure you to make a decision you are not ready to make.
– Sam Ayers
“I have much less stress thanks to my hearing aids”
I first realized that I could have a hearing challenge when I was having trouble understanding voices on the television. In addition, my family seemed to be “mumbling” all the time! And I really could not understand the high-pitched voices of little children at all.
My biggest worry was how expensive the hearing aids would be. My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was how courteous the front desk staff were and how empathetic and professional Dr. Arnold was. I was impressed.
I have much less stress thanks to my hearing aids, because I can understand people the first time without asking them to repeat themselves. And I’m no longer at a disadvantage in crowded situations because I can adjust my hearing aids to hear voices above background noise.
What I would say to somebody that is concerned about their hearing and is considering Cornerstone Audiology is to please get your hearing tested! If you have a problem that can be helped with hearing aids, you will be so gratified at the change they will make to your life.
– Cecilia George
“My life has significantly changed for the better since I began using hearing aids”
I was in my late 50’s, had a mild head cold, and flew from Lubbock to Houston. When I arrived on my return flight back to Lubbock, I could not hear anything out of my right ear. This was especially troubling to me as I am a professional musician and, at the time, was a professor of music at South Plains College. I spent the next five years consulting hearing specialists and trying everything from nose sprays and allergy medicines to surgery- and nothing really helped.
Being a professional musician, I was concerned that wearing hearing aids would dramatically alter the way I perceived sound and was concerned that music would sound “artificial.” Additionally, my mom and both sets of grandparents had experienced severe hearing issues and had tried various hearing devices with very little success.
A fellow instructor at South Plains College had recommended Cornerstone Audiology, and I was very impressed with the professionalism and courteousness of the staff. They explained the intricacies of my hearing problems and explained how hearing aids would help me regain a significant part of my hearing experience. The staff very graciously and patiently walked me through the process of choosing which devices worked best for me and guided me through the payment process.
My life has significantly changed for the better since I began using hearing aids. While it’s not perfect (I still can’t hear mumblers and low talkers and people wearing masks), my day-to-day life and interaction with people has improved exponentially. I remember the first morning after I began wearing hearing aids, I walked outside and immediately thought to myself, “Holy Moly, those birds are loud.” I realized how much of life I had been missing.
Don’t waste another day of your life. Contact Cornerstone Audiology at the first opportunity. The Sweet Music of Life is too precious to miss.
– Cary C Banks
“Playing my Bluegrass music again is a treat that I had not had in several years”
I first realized I might have a hearing challenge when it began to feel like I avoided others that I could not understand. It was also cheating myself out of enjoying a movie or TV. I may as well have been in another world!!!
I had been wearing hearing aids for a year, and with little success. My wife was suffering from tinnitus, and I would come home to find her on the sofa, crying… I knew we had to do something NOW. After much research, we discovered Cornerstone Audiology, and have been grateful ever since. Not only did they help Sandy with the ringing in the ears, I can now play and enjoy music again. The world is a much clearer and enjoyable place to be.
My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was that it was family-friendly. The entire staff is caring and very professional. I have never been able to stump them with any question I have had. Answers are always straightforward, honest, and concise. They give you answers in laymen’s terms, which is a BIG plus for us older folks.
Sandy and I can now enjoy TV together with the volume at a comfortable level. Conversations are much more enjoyable, and playing my Bluegrass music again is a treat that I had not had in several years. Our personal relationship has come back to a level as a long time ago, thanks to improved hearing and understanding.
Cornerstone is the ONLY place to go. Dr. Hubik and her staff will put forth every effort to improve your hearing experience and make it easy for you. The folks at Cornerstone will not oversell you. You will get what you NEED and nothing more.
– Roy Creiglow
“Hearing my grandchildren’s voices has been a delight to me”
I have always had a hearing loss. I was ridiculed at school during a storytelling event. I felt ashamed. I didn’t have any preconceived fears or concerns before visiting Cornerstone Audiology. I was looking for more technology. I never dreamed my hearing would be so improved.
I felt very comfortable visiting Cornerstone Audiology for the first time. Having worn a hearing aid for 40 years, I was immediately impressed with their service.
I was a county commissioner for 20 years. The meetings were so much more pleasant, being able to hear well with my hearing aids. My home life was improved, hearing my wife much better, but most of all, hearing my grandchildren’s voices has been a delight to me.
I would say to somebody who is concerned about their hearing is to give Cornerstone Audiology a try. They have made a huge difference in my life!
– Stacey Dunn
“Cornerstone Audiology has changed my life for the better”
My journey with Tinnitus started about a year and half ago, I began to have this constant ringing in my ears. Not sure what it was and after researching different causes such as Meniere’s disease, Bppv, etc.… I decided to see my physician and ask some questions. We began with thinking it may be pressure due to sinus congestion, or could it be from high or low blood pressure, or maybe low blood sugar levels so after bloodwork there were no apparent cause for the ringing. My physician set me up for a CAT scan and it was performed but nothing was seen on it. So after about 3 months we decided that maybe an ENT could help. I was scheduled with an ENT and more test performed hearing evaluations, balance testing, and an MRI. After all the results of the testing was returned no opinion was given other than I had a little hearing loss and maybe a balance issue.
So the ENT told me this was something I would just have to live with and to take Flonase every day and set me up to go and see a physical therapist to work on the balance, once I got there they could not really see why I was there, because it did not appear that I had a issue, so they gave me one treatment and sent me home with some home balance exercises. So here I was one year later and still the ringing is driving me nuts, I could not go to sleep at night so it effected every part of my life. I got angry when my dog barked because the loudness of the bark felt like my ear drum was going to explode.
My husband said I was irritable and I was because I was not sleeping and that consent ringing and of course he does not understand nor anybody else because guess what they cannot hear the ringing so they have no idea how bad it gets. I had tried everything to try to stop or ease it. Chewing gum, Tinnitus miracle pill (doesn’t work), Ear plugs (which by the way seem to make it worse). So, at this point I concede and think well the ENT is right I am just going to have to live with this.
Then one day I am driving to work and I hear Dr. Marisha Beck on a talk radio show and she is talking about me, well maybe not exactly me, but she is speaking about Tinnitus and everything she said, I was like that is me , yes I feel that way, yes I experience that very thing. and the most wonderful thing that she said was YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS there is help for you. She explained how she was certified in this field and Cornerstone Audiology worked to help people with Tinnitus. She explained it was very simple to go online and take a tinnitus evaluation and to get an appointment set up. So as soon as I got to work, I went online and did my evaluation and set my appointment up. I have always heard the right place at the right time, well let me tell you I feel so blessed to have heard that radio show.
I saw Dr. Beck and it has been a life changer for me. The first thing she did was explain to me what Tinnitus is (no one had done that before) and she explained that there is no cure for Tinnitus but there are things that can help, and believe me she was right. She took the time to ask me about how this was affecting me as a person and how it affected my daily life. She then performed a couple of tests and she actually showed me the results of the test and how with my hearing loss was in line with my tinnitus. Then she asked me how I felt about hearing aids and I said if its help’s I will have no problem with hearing aids. She fitted me that very day, As I speak of it now it brings tears to my eyes, because before Dr. Beck and Cornerstone Audiology came into my life I thought I would lose my mind and now just one month into the treatment I have had relief I have not experienced in 1 ½ years. The plan and the aids are very affordable. There is no reason to suffer any longer, I actually now find my self searching for the ringing if that makes any sense. I have had the best night sleep and now my husband reminds me do not forget your ear buds (that is what he calls them) because he can see the difference in me. I also never knew how much a little hearing loss can affect you, I now hear clearer and actually turn the volume down on the TV.
I wish everyone who suffers with Tinnitus can get the help that I have, Dr. Beck is my Miracle Worker and Cornerstone Audiology has changed my life for the better and the best part is I may have to live with Tinnitus, but I DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE RINGING.
“Our Christmas Party Guests Share Their Stories”
“It’s a joy to sit in a restaurant and understand words from other people”
While teaching Geology, I noticed that I could not understand certain foreign students who spoke perfect English but with an accent. I realized that I was reading lips instead of hearing.
My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was that they were professional and very organized. With my hearing aids, I can hear! It’s a joy to sit in a restaurant and understand words from other people. A crowd is no longer a buzz of sound; it is made up of words I can understand. If you’re concerned about your hearing and are considering Cornerstone Audiology, don’t hesitate another minute. Go to the pros and get your life back!!!
– William Wheeler
“My first impression of Cornerstone was like we were old friends. I was very impressed”
It was a long time back that I knew I was not able to hear the higher pitches. The biggest concern was cost and how much maintenance would be involved. Another concern was that I spent most of my time outdoors and wondered if the hearing aids could handle the abuse, which they have.
My wife was already a patient, so I didn’t have any concerns about going to Cornerstone for the first time. My first impression of Cornerstone was like we were old friends. I was very impressed.
They take very good care of us. Very accommodating and work with us in every way possible. Again… they treat us like family.
Wearing hearing aids, I did not realize that I had learned to read lips! I have mine connected to the phone, and it really helps to hear things the first time.
Cornerstone Audiology will treat you like family. I’m not sure why I was so stubborn and delayed as long as I did. There is no good reason to wait.
– Daniel Schwertner
“My hearing aids have affected my life positively, especially in meetings and large groups”
I gradually realized that I was not understanding comments, particularly in meetings, and began to think I had a hearing challenge.
My first impression of Cornerstone Audiology was how friendly and caring the doctors and staff were.
My hearing aids have affected my life positively, especially in meetings and large groups. Watching TV with streaming sound maintains peace at home.
What I would say to somebody that is concerned about their hearing and is considering Cornerstone Audiology is that it is the right place to go. They will make you happy you did.
– Pat Bradley
“Their aids have really helped me and are now an essential component of my life!”
I first realized I had a hearing challenge about five years ago. I had been to a different practitioner and bought a hearing aid for my left ear and it did absolutely no good at all.
My first impressions of Cornerstone Audiology were that they were very friendly, communicative, understanding and helpful.
Their aids have really helped me and are now an essential component of my life!
My advice to anyone concerned about their hearing would be to go for it! You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain!
– Austin H.
“I can now hear! It’s a joy to sit in a restaurant and understand words from other people”
Whilst teaching Geology I noticed that I could not understand certain foreign students who spoke perfect English but with an accent. I realized that I was reading lips instead of hearing.
My first impressions of Cornerstone Audiology were that they were professional and very organized.
I can now hear! It’s a joy to sit in a restaurant and understand words from other people. A crowd is no longer a buzz of sound, it is made up of words I can understand.
I would say to anybody that is concerned about their hearing and is considering Cornerstone Audiology, don’t hesitate another minute, go to the pros and get your life back!!!
– Walfred W.
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