On September 1st, world-renowned manufacturer ReSound launched their much-anticipated new hearing technology, the ReSound ONE.
But although all the initial reviews have been glowingly positive, before we feel comfortable recommending any new technology, we first want members of our community to try it and share their real-world insights.
So, at the start of September, we invited 9 of our most trusted and experienced patients to be fit with the ReSound ONE and asked them to “put it through the test” over a 14-day period to share their feedback.
In this article, I’m going to share their feedback and what each of our audiologists thinks about it.
But first, let me share why this new technology release has made the hearing industry so excited!
How Is The ReSound ONE Different?
In truth, manufacturers often face a challenge when showcasing new releases, as most hearing technology is only marginally better than what followed it previously.
However, with “the ONE,” ReSound went back to the drawing board and created something that looks, feels, and performs significantly different from anything that has come before it.
The big question is, what’s the main development that makes it so distinct? Well, according to ReSound, the answer is the advanced speech recognition capabilities, which improve wearers’ hearing when there’s lots of background noise.
A microphone that sits inside their ear canal makes this possible – changing the decades-old design traditions of only having microphones behind the ear and offering a whole new sound experience, utilizing the ear’s unique shape to deliver the most natural sound in all environments.
As a result, if you’re in a restaurant, a coffee shop, or in a meeting, you can hear frequencies that would have otherwise been inaudible.
In addition, whereas most hearing devices amplify all noises, the ReSound ONE picks out only those you’re focusing on directly in front of you.
Sounds behind and around you are audible but don’t interfere with what is going on right in front of you, giving you a new level of clarity in group settings and offering the best one-to-one hearing experience on the market.
Naturally, it also comes with a range of developments that you would expect from a new release, such as improved rechargeable battery life, a sleeker design, and advanced connectivity options for remote care and support.
You can also seamlessly stream music and calls from your smartphone, computer, or television directly into your ears.
So, What Was The Feedback From Our Trusted Patients?
When we were selecting patients to be part of this trial, we wanted a wide selection of patients that need hearing help in different areas of their lives.
This included younger working professionals that need their hearing technology to perform in meetings and on conference calls, and some of our retired patients that need hearing support for communicating with loved ones, in church, or at restaurants.
Following 14 days of wearing the ReSound ONE in their everyday lives, they shared their feedback. Here’s what they had to say:
Junior said that he could understand words much better and found sounds much clearer. In particular, he noted that he could hear conversations in the wind without having to ask people to repeat themselves. He rated them 10 out of 10 and said that he would recommend them to others.
Steven gave the ReSound ONE 9 out of 10 and was impressed with the boost it gave to his hearing, along with the device’s “very clear precision.” He said he would strongly recommend the ReSound ONE to anybody that wants to hear more clearly.-
Sue said she noticed an increased clarity of words and shared her delight both at the convenience of rechargeable batteries and the ease of adjusting the sound. She wore her ReSound ONEs in a noisy environment and found that they comfortably improved the clarity of the sound. She rated them 10 out of 10 and said that she would recommend them to others.
Tony understood conversations much better and had increased directional hearing. He also said the sound quality was much improved, compared with his older units, and that the ReSound ONE enhanced his experience in all environments. He rated them 9 out of 10 and said that he would recommend them.
Mel shared how he found the variety of settings impressive, especially the television focus. He rated them 10 out of 10 and said that he would recommend them to others.
Wayne called them “perfect” and rated them 10 out of 10. He said that they fit better in his ear than any other hearing aid and explained how he can hear individual conversations in noisy rooms and have the TV volume significantly lower since wearing them. He explained how he had always loved the level of care and service that he receives at Cornerstone, but as he walked out of the doors, he heard sounds he’d not heard in a long time.
Tom shared how they screened out unwanted noise in a gym environment and made his restaurant experience more pleasant by filtering out clanking, banging, and music allowing his conversations to be understandable. He also commented that they work great in a meeting setting, making air conditioner noises less noticeable, and reducing traffic noise in outdoor settings. He rated them 10 out of 10 and said he would definitely recommend them to a friend.
Ron shared how he often works outside and has previously experienced challenges with wind noise, but with the ReSound ONEs, the wind noise was non-existent and they made a huge difference. He said that he would recommend them.
Bob also rated them 10 out of 10 and said that they fit much better, are not as heavy as the Quattro, and the clarity has significantly improved. He shared how he was blown away by the clarity and had to turn his TV down, which is usually on low anyway. He said he would recommend them.
Wesley noticed the clarity of hearing in a crowded atmosphere and described the difference in sound quality compared to his existing devices as great. Wesley was most impressed with the ReSound ONE when visiting a restaurant. He rated the devices an 8 out of 10 and said he would recommend them to a friend.
“More pinpoint hearing” is how Russell described the ReSound ONE hearing aids compared to his current devices and says the sound quality was very much improved. Russell’s stand-out moment when testing the ReSound devices was when he noticed the road noise was gone when on the highway.
10 out of 10 from Glenna! Being able to stream phone calls without running the battery down and not changing batteries impressed Glenna. She also explained that streaming makes the voices clear without outside noise interfering, making it so much easier to have conversations in noisy places. Compared to her current devices, Glenna described the ReSound ONE’s as cleaner, crisper and the adjustments are so easy to customize and tailor to each situation. She is now able to hear her soft-spoken daughter and grandchildren clearly and plainly in any situation. Glenna explained the restaurant settings were unbelievably good, and she was particularly grateful in worship service!
James’ overall experience with the ReSound ONE resulted in much better hearing all-around. He was particularly impressed with the devices in the wind! James rated the ReSound ONE 10 out of 10 and said he would recommend them to others.
Leonard recommends the ReSound ONE after explaining the extremely clear sound quality and reduced wind noise he experienced during the trial. He was particularly impressed by the excellent reception in noisy environments and explained he, “had folks tell me my voice wasn’t on loud.”
The ReSound ONE received a solid 9 out of 10 by Mike, who described the biggest difference as being able to hear voices much better, and he was particularly impressed in hearing in noisy places.
Lyn especially enjoyed the ultra-focus feature, which she described as excellent. She explained that eating out was much nicer when noise was not too prevalent and outlined the overall difference as “much clearer.” Lyn said she would recommend the product to a friend and rated it a 10 out of 10!
Playing in a group of musicians was Roy’s highlight during his trial using ReSound ONE devices! He explained that the hearing aids are much crisper & some words are easier to understand. He rated them a 10 out of 10 and said he would recommend them.
Ronald describes his experience with the ReSound ONE as an eye-opener after playing golf in the wind using the wind feature. In comparison to his current devices, he explained they were better overall quality for his hearing issues and gave the additional features an A+! Ronald kept the devices and recommended them to others.
The ReSound ONE devices scored a 10 out of 10 for Canzada! With a report of less outside noise and much clearer sound, Canzada was impressed from the instant she put them in and noticed the difference in sound quality to her current devices.
More controlled background noise and better high pitch clarity were the key differences noticed by John when trialing the ReSound ONE devices. When wearing the devices, a standout moment for John was listening in restaurant noise – he was pleased with the performance and would recommend them to a friend!
David was especially impressed with the focus mode for watching TV and described the most significant difference between the ReSound ONE and his current devices as better clarity with more adjustments. He rated the devices an 8 out of 10 and would recommend them to others.
Kenneth had a great experience with the Resound ONE’s as he noted his tinnitus was less noticeable, and well as less wind interference and background noise. He was pleased with the speech clarity and explained, “there is such a difference between clear and just louder like the others were.” Kenneth was particularly impressed with the devices in group meetings and church. He was grateful to select the best application for his setting and noted that soft voices were a lot better!
It’s another 10 out of 10 for Michael! The most noticeable difference from his current devices is hearing his own voice better because his speaking volume has been reduced. He described the sound quality as better overall as they pick up sound better. Micheal also explained when he went back to work for the first time; many people commented that he was talking quieter – he didn’t realize how loud he was talking previously!
Debbie’s standout moment when using the ReSound ONE’s was when her husband talked to her from another room and could hear him. She was particularly impressed by the option to remove background noise and explained the quality is much better. Debbie rated the devices a 10 out of 10!
Bill was pleased with the charging capabilities in the new ReSound devices and found them more comfortable to wear than his current devices. He rates them an 8 out of 10 and would recommend them to others.
When using the ReSound ONE’s, Joe’s main observations were that they eliminated background noise and produced much better sound quality than his existing devices. He was particularly impressed when he visited a restaurant for a Mother’s Day lunch and could hear well in a noisy environment.
Linda noticed the most significant difference in sound clarity and noise separation when using the ReSound ONE devices. She said she would recommend them to others and rated them a healthy 8 out of 10!
What Do Our Audiologists Think About Them?
Having fit thousands of patients with hearing technology, our team of audiologists has strong opinions on different hearing aids that are released.
Here’s what they have had to say about the ReSound ONE:
“I like to give the ultra-focus program option and enjoy seeing patients experience this setting in the office. They have reported that it sounds like the signal is being directly streamed into their ears.”
“The ReSound ONE is allowing the patient to have a more natural sound experience. The wind reduction is remarkable! That’s really important to patients in West Texas. Patients like how the hearing aid sits further back on their ear as well. The noise filtering is substantially better as well; it filters background noise without having to compromise other features.” –
Dr. Courtney Arnold And Dr. Christina Corrales shared their experience with the ReSound ONE in detail: “My patients reported that speech clarity and localization was much better with the M&RIE than previous models of technology. M&RIE also provides a huge benefit to patients living in West Texas. As you may know, there is no escaping wind here. I’ve had many patients that would remove previous hearing aids while working outside or playing golf.
Luckily, the Resound ONE M&RIE receiver has been a huge hit in reducing the wind noise for those wearers that work or enjoy being outdoors. Many patients were surprised how well the ONEs helped suppress more of the wind noise. Rechargeability is also a feature of the Resound ONE. The new devices do still come in a battery-based version.
The rechargeable version is great for those with dexterity issues or who want to make life simple and place the devices in a charger. A single charge of 3 hours provides 30 hours of use and up to 25 hours with audio streaming. The charging case also keeps a charge and can provide up to 3 additional charges before needing a power source.
The charger acts as an on and off switch. When the devices are in the charger, they remain off; when they are removed, it automatically powers on. If no charger is available, the device itself can be manually switched on and off. Patients are a fan of how easy it is to use and are never in need of changing or worrying if they have batteries available.
When it comes to streaming, The Resound ONEs are compatible with many Apple iPhone and iPad devices, including some Android phones. Patients love the clarity of streaming phone calls and listening to media through the devices themselves. They also enjoy the app.
Patients have expressed how they enjoy using their smartphone only to adjust or stream without having an additional accessory they have to remember to carry. I’m a big fan of the Resound Smart 3D app and what it can provide my patients in various situations. In the app, the patient can add additional noise filtering or speech clarity dependent on the situation.
The M&RIE of the Resound ONE allows another specific setting called Ultra-Focus. This setting focuses on the speaker directly in front while not missing out on cues of sounds around them. Resound ONE has also added a “Face-Mask” program to help compensate for the muffled sound of speech which is very helpful with the use of masks today.
For patients that are not very technical, these options do not have to be utilized but will be there for future use. In the app, there is also another helpful feature that has helped me adjust or fit during this COVID season. It is a telehealth feature called Resound Assist and Live Assist. My patients use this feature when they are unable to come into the office for an adjustment.
I can remotely make changes to the settings of the ONEs and send them back. The information is received in the app, and a patient can install changes easily. I’ve used the Live Assist feature to fit patients and make adjustments remotely.
The patient and I can see each other face to face. Patients are a big fan of these assist features Resound ONE can provide. Overall, the Resound ONE has many attributes that have improved the quality of life for my patient’s hearing healthcare. The ONEs are available in 3 levels of technology to fit each patient’s needs, lifestyle, and prescription.”
How Can You Experience The Difference For Yourself?
It’s certainly one of the highest-rated levels of technology that we’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Following the feedback from our patients, we’re now recommending this level of technology to patients that we believe it is the right fit for.
If you are interested in experiencing the difference for yourself and be fitted the ReSound ONE to make your own mind up, then you can schedule a Listening Demonstration by calling 806-687-4327.