People do not take hearing loss as seriously as they should. Since hearing loss is a gradual process that takes years to become noticeable, people may not even realize they have hearing loss until it has progressed to a severe level. By this point it may actually have adverse effects on memory and make it appear as though they have dementia.
The sad part is that it often takes a person longer than a decade to actually accept they have a hearing problem and seek some form of treatment for it. What is even more alarming is that even when people are diagnosed with hearing loss, only around 25% of those people use hearing aids, even though hearing aids have been shown time and time again to restore hearing and thereby improve the memory functions of the user.
Hearing loss has been linked to future onset of dementia, which is why it should not be dismissed as a minor health issue. Loss of hearing is currently ranked as the third most common health problem in America. It has been linked to dementia, heart disease, and even diabetes. With so many negative outcomes of hearing loss, it should be treated at the earliest opportunity through the use of hearing aids.