I’m sure you’ve read a lot about all the reasons for treating a hearing loss, but it’s only fair to listen to both sides of the argument, right? No one wants to be biased!
So, because we’re committed to full disclosure here at Cornerstone Audiology, we’ve decided to share all the reasons why you SHOULDN’T treat a hearing loss.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports that about 15% of American adults report some trouble hearing.
NIDCD Epidemiology and Statistics Program staff have calculated that 16% to 30% of US adults with a hearing loss who could benefit from treatment have never used hearing aids.
There must be some great reasons for not treating your hearing loss that other, less-informed people have simply overlooked.
If you are one of these 16% to 30% of people who have delayed or avoided treatment, here is our list of reasons to back up your decision.
1. Your Grandkids Are Loud Anyway…
Grandchildren can be so noisy, and they may ask questions you don’t feel like answering.
Who would volunteer to hear all that noise when you can ignore them?
Far better to annoy them by not answering their questions!
2. Music Is Better Muffled
Modern music is so overrated, and no one wants to go back down memory lane and hear the crisp sounds and lyrics of the past.
Better to push all that away and avoid knowing the lyrics of the song.
3. Your Spouse Is Saying Something You Don’t Want to Hear Anyway…
You’ve been married a long time and don’t need to continue communicating, for goodness sake. Just let them shout at you if they want to say something important…
4. Who Wants To Socialize Anyway?
When you go out, you want to enjoy yourself without having to hear properly. You can focus on your food or the general atmosphere of a place rather than having to actually engage with people.
5. There Are Much Better Ways To Spend Money
Why would you ever spend money on being able to hear everything clearly and communicate better with loved ones and with co-workers?
Quality of life is for selfish people who just don’t know how to suck it up and move on. No guts, no glory.
With that kind of money, you could go on an Alaskan cruise or get a better car! Seeing icebergs or driving a luxury car that you can’t hear roar as you stomp on the gas is clearly a better purchase.
6. Everybody Loves Repeating Themselves
Don’t you just love having to ask people to repeat themselves two or three times, to the point where you then give up because you still don’t understand?
Ordering coffee, buying groceries, and asking for advice at the hardware store is so enjoyable when you have no idea what people are saying.
It spices things up and keeps people guessing. You become a person of intrigue – a regular James Bond.
And sometimes, you end up with mystery orders because you didn’t understand the waiter’s questions or the questions through the speaker at the drive-thru.
7. The TV Is Supposed To Be Loud
That’s what the volume button is for! If the rest of the family can’t handle it, that’s their problem. It’s your TV. You paid for it. Your rules.
Obviously, We’re Kidding! But We’re Serious, Too
Although we’re making fun of some of the excuses we hear for not treating a hearing loss, living with an untreated hearing loss is no joke.
It’s heartbreaking for the family too, and we’ve yet to hear a good excuse for not protecting your hearing health.
Hearing loss can be very gradual, so it’s easy to see why people with one might still be in denial about it, but family and friends are usually right when they notice it and point it out.
The first step to proving them wrong, or right, is to get your hearing tested by an audiologist. It’s quick and non-invasive.
In one visit to our Lubbock or Snyder office, one of our audiologists will let you know for sure what’s going on and explain your options for enjoying a rich life again.
To schedule your hearing test, or if you have any questions at all, call our Lubbock office at 806-687-4327 or Snyder office at 325-284-3221, or contact us online.